San Diego Mortgage Professional

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Real estate terms starting with H

Hazard Insurance

Real estate insurance protecting against fire, some natural causes, vandalism, etc., depending upon the policy. Buyer often adds liability insurance and extended coverage for personal property.


Any and all kinds of estates, interest and rights in real estate that can be inherited.

Home Owner's Association

An association of people who own homes in a given area, formed for the purpose of improving or maintaining the quality of the area. An association formed by the builder of condominiums or planned developments, and required by statute in some states. The builder's participation as well as the duties of the association are controlled by statute.

Homeowners Insurance

Real estate insurance protecting against loss caused by fire, some natural causes, vandalism, etc., depending on the terms of the policy. Also includes coverage such as personal liability and theft away from home.


A statutory protection from execution or the establishment of title by occupation of real property in accordance with the laws of various states or the Federal Government.


Department of Housing and Urban Development. The federal department responsible for the major housing programs in the United States.

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